How do you bring together 500 million fans across 183 different countries? Ask Real Madrid. With a fan base of only 3% in Spain, they are the epitome of a global enterprise. Reaching fans across the entire world is a challenge, yet Real can do it with Microsoft Azure.
With Azure, Real delivers better experiences and makes better decisions by analyzing massive amounts of data in real time.
i2e Consulting wants to help your organization integrate Azure analytics technology so you can achieve more. Contact us to find out how.
One of the best parts about technology today is the ability to utilize innovations from other industries for your own. Real Madrid uses tech from Formula 1 to build insoles, shin pads, and protective masks so they can protect their players. And they do it with Microsoft Azure.
i2e Consulting wants to help your organization integrate Microsoft Azure technology so you can achieve more. Contact us to find out how.
At i2e Consulting, we know it takes a lot of time and effort to organize, clean, and harmonize data on your own. You need the ability to easily run analytics and harvest value from customer data quickly.
Azure allows you to run analytics on data from any source. You can connect on-premises data and apps to overcome complexity and optimize your existing assets. Analyze data in real time so you can have the fastest possible turnaround, giving you the edge in an ever-increasing, technology-driven marketplace.
i2e Consulting can help your business gain the speed it needs to analyze data and go to market faster. Contact us to find out how.
Modernization can be tricky, but with Office 365, you will have the tools to implement your vision smoothly. i2e Consulting knows that communication is key to success, and Office 365 enables you to communicate in the right way with the right audience.
Office 365 provides the best strategy to adopt a modern workplace–with click-to-run implementation and e-learnings available to employees, your business will be up and running in no time. Applications including Skype, SharePoint, Exchange, and Outlook ensure your updated business model will be efficient and simple to institute.
We can help your business modernize with Office 365. Contact us to find out how.
Collaboration can boost productivity, even as it improves work quality. i2e Consulting knows that with the right tools, teams can share their notes and ideas to create a win-win situation for employees and customers.
Office 365 is key to a connected enterprise, geared toward maximizing productivity and cooperation to get your brand and products to market as efficiently as possible. Connectivity applications such as Skype, OneNote, Exchange, and SharePoint keep your team in constant contact.
i2e Consulting can help your business achieve the advantages of collaboration, too. Contact us to find out how.
Optimizing allows Lay Bare to operate more efficiently. They wanted to address branch inefficiencies, and they were able to fix the issues, making their systems more reliable in the process. But a transformation isn’t always easy; it takes time and a lot of effort. Even then, a major transformation of IT systems can produce issues. That’s why it’s important to team up with proven experts who can guide you through the process.
At i2e Consulting, we have years of experience helping businesses through the IT transformation process, accelerating their transformation. Contact us today to find out more.
A single disruption to a plane and its inevitable effect to an entire airline can cost up to one million dollars a day. That’s why at Rolls Royce, they use IoT tech from Azure to help identify problems before they’re issues. With early notice, airlines can reduce inventory costs and maximize availability of parts. Saving airlines millions. While the savings are great, it’s not always easy to adopt a new IoT system.
At i2e Consulting, we have years of experience helping businesses like yours to plan and implement new solutions. Contact us today to find out more on how we can help.
Fifth-grader Ryan Fernandez’s engagement in the classroom changed when his teacher brought #Office365 and Microsoft Teams into his classroom. These tools enabled Ryan to leverage and focus his energy, spend more time helping other students, and actively direct his own learning.
Ryan is a shining example of the ways in which technology can reach every student and be customized to meet their individual needs. Here at i2e Consulting, we are interested in using technology to give educators the resources to help each and every student succeed.
TD is a Canadian multinational with 85,000 employees. The bank helps their diverse workforce to self-accommodate and increase productivity with an improved computing experience. Using Microsoft 365, they are breaking down silos and bringing their workforce together. Your team can also get the most from cloud-based collaborative computing, with the help of a trusted advisor. At i2e Consulting, we have many years of experience helping businesses just like yours to adopt, integrate, and implement cloud technology. Contact us today to find out how we can help.
Your business is always changing, and your software should change along with you.
With Dynamics 365 for Business Professional, you have the ability to easily configure the program to fit your specific sales and business processes, and if those change over time as you grow, just change them! Also, only pay for what you need. Select the tools your business needs at the moment and add more capabilities as you grow.
At i2e Consulting, we are excited about the options Dynamics 365 for Sales Professional can bring to your business. Contact us to learn more.