Choose what’s right for you

Migrating from legacy systems isn’t easy. Right strategy with proper execution makes the difference.


Companies who still use a lot of paperwork and are yet to digitize (computer readable format) existing data. All your data will be processed and stored either on cloud or on-premise. This is your first step towards digital transformation.

Functional Transformation

Companies who have data digitized but are looking for basic automation, streamlining user experience or reengineer existing company workflow. Functional transformation will help run your processes digitally. This is the penultimate digital transformation step.

Process Transformation

Companies who use digital processes but are looking to revamp functional areas like marketing, finance, analytics to cater to the digital age. Process transformation with technologies such as AI, RPA, IOT, AR/VR, etc. will make your business go digital. This is the ultimate digital transformation step.

Digital Transformation used cases in Life Science

RPA drives ROI for pharma giant

Precision marketing and sales force operation modules implementation reduced menial tasks thereby allowing stakeholders to invest more time on actual business development. With the newly installed RPA model, marketers could update the information of existing customers every time a new information entered the system. In addition to making things easier, efficient and less costly RPA proves to be lot reliable and safe over traditional CRM systems. 

The switch from why cloud to why not the cloud

One of our clients, approached us for migrating storage and less important application to the cloud. On successful completion, they understood how they could increase ROI and capitalize on cloud computing by their existing cloud subscription. From initial storage and application to core critical services, we helped them move to the cloud. The migration was performed in stages to minimize disruptions and we wrapped up with a training session.

Data Visualization in mixed reality for PPM dashboards

Get top management involved in appealing brainstorming sessions. We created data visualization with Microsoft HoloLens. AR/VR is highly engaging, informative and unique (well for now it is) which makes it ideal for presenting information. The holographic imaging enabled users to interact and play around with their data. This newly found perspective not only made meetings interesting but also enabled better insights for better forecasting.

AI Big data analytics for safer clinical trials

In yet another case, we could help the drug discovery wing of a major pharmaceutical with new product development. From making clinical trials safer to aiding drug discovery.  Big data combined with predictive data modelling help companies manufacture drugs cost effectively too. The analytics advanced AI capabilities.

Automation with Microsoft Flow and PowerApps

Automation is a stepping stone for digital transformation. One of our clients, an existing Microsoft user, wanted to integrate cloud services such as Dynamics CRM, Salesforce. They had an existing third-party application which could perform the same; however, it had performance issues. We helped them migrate the existing workflow to Microsoft flow. When used in combination, Flow and PowerApps can be used to design apps to automate processes. 

Clear and coherent digital transformation strategy

Step 1

Our experts will do an audit of your current digital state which will involves all the stakeholders.

Step 2

We lay a detailed execution plan along with the cost estimate.

Step 3

Once we agree on the plan and budget, we start with your digital transformation process.

Go digital the right way, contact us today!

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