Upload your DAVA data to iVEDA with right format

Your Problem

To help companies address the above problems, we at i2e Consulting have come up with an application solution. Automate repetitive tasks and move your data to iVEDA with a few clicks.

Data Entry

Robotic Processes

iVEDA XML format issues

Bulk Uploads

Our Solution

As the deadline for migrating data from the DAVA portal to the new web portal iVEDA (validation and authentication of Drugs Export from India fast approaches. Companies are entrusted upon the responsibility to get it done by 31st March 2021. Some of the common issues prevalent among the community are:

How does it work?

Download data from our your database (SAP application, Datawarehouse, Drive, etc.)

Convert it to Excel

Edit Excel

Click Submit

Once you click submit the application will convert the files to iVEDA recognized XML format and automatically upload your data to the iVEDA portal. Yes, it is this simple.

What takes you hours of manual effort can now be achieved within a few clicks. It is simple and easy to use and helps you work less achieve more. Get our solution today.


Why work when you can automate?

Check our solution and make your life easier.

Start Exploring

It doesn’t get easier than this

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i2e Consulting is a pharma focused IT service provider company
which is leading innovation in the industry.

Explore opportunities and gain competitive advantage.

    Contact Information

    • 93 Shennecossett Rd, Suite # 104, Groton, CT 06340

    • +1(866) 968-9995

    • www.i2econsulting.com