Intelligent business solutions from digital pharma experts

i2e Consulting offers a wide range of pharma IT solutions to streamline your processes, with a focus on manufacturing and marketing pharmaceutical products. From bringing new products to the market to improving data analysis, we develop secure, compliant work environments that help organizations reach their business goals.

Project portfolio management

Project management is essential in the pharmaceutical industry, and it’s one of our specialties as digital pharma experts. We understand the complexity and length of development projects, which is why we offer implementation and customization of a variety of PPM solutions designed to help organizations employ agile methods and streamline their drug development processes.

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Business productivity

Choosing and implementing the correct business productivity tools requires in-depth knowledge, which i2e Consulting can offer. With a wealth of solutions, both out of the box and customizable, i2e Consulting can create a collaborative and intelligent productivity solution for any organization.

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Digital transformation

Digital transformation requires organizations to leverage the power of technology and create more intelligent business processes. Using cloud-based solutions and industry-specific insights, i2e Consulting can help organizations to pursue digital transformation, revolutionizing and simplifying their day to day operations.

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Data visualization

Extracting valuable insights from drug development data allows organizations to deliver higher quality products. i2e Consulting offer a range of data visualization tools that give organizations the ability to gain new, richer insights and deliver premium products and services.

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