Benefits of Cloud Migration
Cloud services offer enormous benefits. Companies are moving to the online cloud platforms provided by Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud. Accelerate your cloud journey with Cloud migration.
Cloud Migration Methods
Cloud migration depends on the cloud model adopted by a company. Cloud service providers multiple solutions, namely, Iaas, Paas, and Saas.
Iaas – In Infrastructure as a Service, it means shifting the applications from on-premise infrastructure to the one provided by the cloud service provider. It is the most straightforward cloud migration model involving minimal changes. This migration model is called the ‘Lift and Shift’ model. There is no change in the architecture in this migration model.
Paas – Platform as a Service is where you run your code on the platform provided to you. It involves significant changes as you have to remodel your code to the new platform. It includes code changes, deployment rules modification, and library updates to adapt to the new framework.
SaaS – Software as a Service sees a complete change in the application architecture of your systems. Here you have to run your code on entirely new software. This migration involves complicated changes like architectural changes, building new interfaces, complex data migration, providing roles and responsibilities to users, and training your team to use the new software.
Tags: azure cloud migration, azure lift and shift migration, Benefits of Azure Cloud Migration, Benefits of Cloud Migration, Cloud Migration Methods, Lift and Shift Migration Benefits Pharma Industry